Algemene informasie
Babbels & Krabbels is ‘n skooltjie wat graag vir die kind ‘n tweede tuiste wil wees waar hy/sy veilig sal voel en die nodige sekuriteit sal ervaar. U kind word nie net opgepas nie, maar ontvang ook die nodige stimulasie aangesien ‘n formele program op ‘n informele wyse gevolg word. Ons wil graag dat kinders sosiaal, fisies en verstandelik groei. Roetine is baie belangrik vir die kinders, maar moet ook buigsaam wees. Die Skooltjie is kleiner en ek kan dus baie individuele aandag gee. Ek glo daarin dat kinders die beste leer deur te speel. Ek weet hoe belangrik dit is in vandag se tyd omdat ons almal in so besige lewe leef.
General information
Babbels & Krabbels is a school that would like to become a second home for your child where he/she will feel safe and secure. Apart from being looked after, your child also receives the necessary stimulation through a formal and structured educational program that gets presented in an informal manner. We would like your child to grow socially, physically and mentally. Routine is very important for the children, but also needs to be flexible at times. The school is smaller, giving me the opportunity to give more individual attention. I believe that children learn best through play. Given our busy lives, I know how important proper early childhood development is.